November 2017 Career Workshops - Melbourne & Sydney

Melbourne & Sydney Career Workshops: Stepping up your career

2017 is coming to the close, however, it is no time to slow down your career development venture.

In fact, it is now that you should accelerate to prepare for your career and achieve your goals in 2018.

NotedCareers is excited to introduce our November Career Workshops in Melbourne and Sydney with pack of information to prepare for your next step of your career.

There are three main topics in our workshops

Top 3 interview questions: this session will cover up-to-date interview questions, the reasons and background behind each question, some interesting facts and myths around job interviews and questions, list of the most commonly asked questions and suggested tactics to best prepare for your next job interview.

This topic has been delivered and well-received at many Career Expos around Melbourne. With positive feedback and comments from our previous audience, NotedCareers is proudly to bring it to our comprehensive workshop in November 2017

Graduate program preparation: this session will provide you with a better understanding, hence preparation, for a primary career pathway, a Graduate Program, for students and graduates after their graduation. As a graduate, with an important decision to kick-start your career, one of the first step is to be well-informed to evaluate your best fit career direction.

As many Graduate Programs will open by beginning of 2018, now is the best time for you to start considering benefits and challenges of these programs if this is the career pathway you are pursuing.

How to step up your career: this session will outline general strategies to assist you to define your career objectives, prepare for a right mindset, understand your strengths and weaknesses, realise your interests and potentials, develop your opportunities and start managing your career development to encourage personal and professional growth.

All professionals at different career stages would benefit from our informative session. You will gain better knowledge in career management and professional development.

With pack of information and delivered by NotedCareers principal consultants, our workshops are designed to empower you to become the better version of yourself

Please bring your own questions to discuss during our Q&A and networking at the end of our workshops

Register for Melbourne workshop

12.30pm – 3.00pm

Saturday, 18 Nov 2017

NotedCareers Office,
Level 1, 90 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

Register for Sydney workshop

12.30pm – 3.00pm

Thursday, 23 Nov 2017

Sydney Masonic Centre,
66 Goulburn Street,
Sydney NSW 2000