Career management is a service used by career minded professionals to assist them in growing their careers whilst also getting the best qualitative and financial situation for their immediate, short-term and long-term careers. Career Management is not recruitment or human resources.

NotedCareers offers many career services but they fall into two main categories: Guaranteed Career Management Programs and Purpose Specific Training Packages.

The Guaranteed Career Management Programs are all encompassing end-to-end programs designed for professionals wanting an experienced career professional to partner with them, one-on-one, in taking the next step forward in their career.

The Purpose Specific Training Packages are extracts taken from the Guaranteed Career Management Programs. They are designed to focus on specific career issues. They are training packages and do not involve the career partnering, career guidance and career management aspects of the Guaranteed Career Management Programs.

As a leading career consulting and job seeking company, NotedCareers offers you direct access to consultations and all career management services. Our experienced consultants are always on the lookout for the best roles for you. We provide you with a personal and responsive service. We also offer competitive market rates and a range of additional benefits. We have a wide range of career services including our Guaranteed Job Seeker Program for those who need everything in career management.

Yes, of course you can. Many of our successful clients do not have permanent residence, yet we helped them to get good full-time positions suited to their qualifications. This includes people eligible to work in Australia indefinitely and without restriction, i.e. an Australian citizen, permanent resident of Australia, a person holding a temporary residence, bridging visa or student visa holders with work permission will all be considered.

NotedCareers services are designed to help job seekers explore their career options and identify the path/s that best suit our clients’ individual needs. We conduct career assessments using one-on-one consultations and expose job seekers to strategies and techniques that facilitate career exploration. We can provide training that aids job seekers in their career development and management process to get the job and their future career needs.

We are career managers not recruitment. We work for you, the client, and make available to you extensive resources to assist in developing job seeking skills, career management and job skills that will be useful throughout your career. Our role at NotedCareers does not involve matching job seekers to employers. However, we do make a guarantee to work with you and support you until you are successful in getting the job you want.

Make the most of opportunities at NotedCareers, such as participating in a job skills program, attending career planning and job search sessions held by NotedCareers, seek part-time employment to develop career relevant skills and complete volunteer work. The more skills and experience you have, the more employable you will be at the end of your study.

As soon as possible. Early attention to career planning and career development is increasingly necessary in today’s competitive job markets. You play the biggest role in preparing for your professional future, so take initiative and do not allow avoidance, family, friends (however sincere they mean to be) and fear to get the better of you.

Now is always the best time to get a good job. There is never a good reason to wait. Jobs always become available for the right person. Notedcareers’ job is to help you be the right person for the right job. The right people find employment options even in times of a possible recession. With some aggressive strategies and job skills training, a new opportunity may not be that far away from you. Some tips, tools, training and support from NotedCareers could help the career-minded job seeker in this time of economic uncertainty.

Many graduates come up against the ‘experience’ dilemma. Many people assume that one cannot get a job without experience. However, one cannot get experience if no one gives it to them in the first place! The initial starting-out period will require an extra effort on your part to get your talents out in the short term. Remember, everybody gets their first job when they have no experience. Entry-level jobs are for people with no experience but you must be the right person for the job too.

There are many reasons why you are not getting a response from your resume. Getting a job does not happen by accident, it requires hard work and knowledge. Using discipline, training and strategies that are proven to work is the best way to overcome this issue. To name a couple of those reasons is attention to detail and the right methodology of applying. Additionally, there is the Hidden Job Market, which is in itself is a job in learning how to do it effectively.

NotedCareers’ clients come from a variety of situations with diverse needs and possess a wide range of personalities, skills and career objectives. Fees vary accordingly to these varieties of situations. Among the varieties of situations are language and accent training. While some clients require a ‘package’ of training, others opt for elective services that include a specified set of activities set for individual needs. Therefore, NotedCareers offers a free 30 minute appointment to assess your specific needs.

NotedCareers has remained in continuous full-time operation since 1 July 2004. We are always focused on delivering world class career management services to qualified professionals everywhere.

Qualified professionals, across all disciplines, at every level of academic achievement and at every stage of career progress.  Diploma to PhD, fresh graduate to top executive and all industries and areas of professional pursuit.

Most people who become NotedCareers’ clients are already working and have other life commitments. NotedCareers arranges a schedule of individual appointment to fit around the other commitments of our clients.

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