16 Behavioural Necessities For A Successful Career
Career management and career development should be associated with the personal development process. In other words, as long as you acknowledge your weaknesses, commit to a positive attitude and take charge of your lifestyle, you will take control over your career and achieve your career goals as well as your life objectives.
Below is the check list of 16 aspects that will impact on your career development:
- Hierarchy in relationships: The animal instinct of self-determination for your place on the social ladder.
- Relationship types: There are three types of relationships; adult to adult, child to child and adult to child.
- Replacing bad habits: Replace bad habits with good habits.
- Procrastination: Do not make small things appear as mountains in front of you. “Think it, do it”.
- Time management: Organise your day into units (30 minute increments).
- Recording – lists and notes: Make records of the events and meetings in your day, every day. Prioritise your tasks.
- Health and fitness: Keep fit and healthy with a regular fitness regime.
- Style – fashion: Be stylist/fashionable and well presented at all times.
- Punctuality: Always be on time.
- Smile: People like to interact with people who are happy.
- Talk and conversation: Learn the art of conversation and practise your conversation skills at every available opportunity.
- Knowledge: Be an expert in your chosen career.
- Take responsibility: It’s your job, it’s your life, it’s your environment, take control and responsibility.
- Set goals: By setting goals and timelines you will achieve all you set out to do.
- Pay close attention to detail: Listen, read, ask questions and follow instructions.
- Give: It is usually surprising when we experience that we often receive back much more than we give.